About Sector 166

This location is the village area. School, banks and malls not nearby this locality Sector 166 is nearby Expressway, no proper streets and street lights available in this locality. Sector 166 is a village area Sector 164 is the village area no street lights, away from the main road, no schools or bank nearby, lack of public conveyance, away from metro station. Sector 166 is a good locality located in a prime location, this locality is on the 700-meter distance away from ongoing FNG Corridor, this locality is near to proposed Sector 143 and Sector 144 metro stations, Shiv Nadar School is located at approximate 1 km distance from the locality. Many IT companies like HCL, Genpact are operational near the project and many more companies are coming to Bay Weaver's project OMG who has advertised on DND flyway since the last one year is 700 meters away from the locality, Jay Pee Hospital is 1 km away from the locality, the mall Mist Avenue is on the opposite side of the locality and Noida ISBT is also coming near the locality.

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